Downloading & Installing FAQ

Where is the user manual for ArKaos when the software is installed on my computer?
Can I install my ArKaos software on an external, removable disk
Installing the License Dongle Drivers Under macOS 10.13 and later
Where can you download the software?
You can download the latest version of the software installers from the links below:
Please know that MediaMaster is not supported Mac M* chips.
You can download the last version of MediaMaster 5 here:
You can download the last version of MediaMaster 4 here:
Please know that MediaMaster 4 & 5 are no longer under development and so there will not be a more recent version than this one. We, therefore, advise all users with recent hardware and operating systems to upgrade to the current version, MediaMaster 6.
What are the limitations of the demo version?
First things first: there’s no need to go searching for different installers for the demo version and the full version. They’re exactly the same! The installer you download from our website to try the software is the same one you’ll use for the full version. Convenient, right?
When you first install the software, it runs in Demo Mode until you activate it with a valid serial number. In Demo Mode, you can:
- Use all effects
- Add as many visuals as your heart desires
- Connect and use any controller
- Set up any display configuration
- Enjoy unlimited time (Demo Mode doesn’t expire!)
Think of it as a no-pressure, try-before-you-buy extravaganza.
When using MediaMaster in Demo Mode, you also get to explore both:
- Theater Mode (available in MediaMaster Express and Pro)
- Fixture Mode (exclusive to MediaMaster Pro)
Demo Mode Limitations
Of course, there are a couple of catches (nothing too evil, we promise):
- You can’t save your work.
- A charming 'DEMO' banner will randomly appear on your visuals. Think of it as our gentle reminder to activate!
Transitioning from Demo to Full
Here’s the best part: as soon as you activate the software with a valid serial number, those Demo Mode limitations disappear like magic. Just keep in mind:
- For MediaMaster, activating with a MediaMaster Express serial will limit you to Theater Mode.
- You don’t need to download another installer after purchasing a license. Unless, of course, we release a shiny new version.
No extra downloads needed. Just activate and enjoy the full experience!
Where is the user manual for ArKaos when the software is installed on my computer?
The manual is in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format and is included in the software installer. Once the software is installed on your computer, you can find the manual in the "Documentation" folder into your ArKaos software installation folder on your hard drive.
Be sure to also read the Release Notes PDF document which is in the same folder; while the user manual describes the software until the current major version (i.e. version X), the Release Notes document describes the changes between the major version and the latest intermediate version (i.e. version X.X.X).
Unless you selected a different path when you installed the software, the installer will create the software folder in:
- On a PC: C:\Program Files\
- On a Mac: Macintosh HD : Applications
Your second option will be to open the Manuel directly from the application ( Grand Vj or Media master ). By clicking into the help Tab , you will find the documentation shortcut . This shortcut will open the documentation PDF .
Can I install my ArKaos software on an external, removable disk
It is strongly recommended not to do so because the software generates a particular Machine ID code based on hardware information from the computer which runs it and the serial number allowing you to use the software without limitations is based on that Machine ID code.
In other words, you will need a new serial number each time you plug your removable hard drive in a computer.
Does my license work for Mac and PC
Yes, the serial generated corresponds to the computer's Machine ID, no matter what the system is. You just have to download and install the right version for your operating system, take note of the computer's Machine ID code and use it to generate a new serial number.
Installing the License Dongle Drivers Under macOS 10.13 and later
Apple introduced a new security mechanism in macOS 10.13 that requires a user’s approval before loading third-party kernel extensions (kexts). Installation of Sentinel Run-time Environment is impacted by this security mechanism.
When installing the License Dongle Driver on a new macOS 10.13 machine, you may receive an alert message “**System Extension Blocked**” as seen in the image below. This message does not occur if the operating system was upgraded from an earlier version and the License Dongle Driver had been previously installed.

Click **OK**. To complete the installation, proceed to **Security & Privacy** (as described below) in order to approve the kernel extension.
**Important**: Once you click **OK**, you have 30 minutes to approve the software.
**To approve installation of the Run-time Environment:**
1. Click the Apple icon.
2. Open **System Preferences**.
3. Go to **Security & Privacy**.
4. Click the **Allow** button displayed next to the blocked software.
Note: If you are not able to click the Allow button, you need to unlock the pane. Click the lock icon at the bottom of the pane, and then enter your admin password

5. To complete the process, restart your computer.
If the blocked "System software..." is not listed on the **General** pane of the **Security & Privacy** screen, Gemalto recommends that you reinstall the Run-time Environment, and then immediately proceed with the steps 1 to 5 above.
Are the software upgrades free ?
#### Minor software updates
We frequently release free software updates to fix software bugs, add new MIDI controller templates or even some new features, these are called “minor updates”. To benefit from these updates, no license upgrade is involved; you just have to download the new software installer from our web site and install it on your computer, it will use your previous registration information.
#### Major software updates
When we release a “major update” with important changes such as a new software interface, new advanced features or extensions we generally charge for an upgrade fee to fund development and require that you get new license codes from your customer account to unlock the new version.
It works the same way if you want to upgrade to a superior license version such as from GrandVJ to GrandVJ XT or from MediaMaster Express to MediaMaster Pro; you have to get a new code to to have access to the extended features of the software.
#### Subscribe to our mailing list
You can subscribe to our mailing list to receive our newsletter and get notified when there is a software update.
How to purchase a software license upgrade
When we release a new software version that requires a license upgrade you will be notified in your customer account that an upgrade is available. You need to order the license upgrade in order to be able to obtain license codes that will activate the new software.
- Go to the "My Licenses" page in your customer account (you will need to log-in first)
You will see the labelnext to each license that can be upgraded
- Click on it to go to the product page on our online shop
- On the product page, select your desired upgrade (i.e. "GrandVJ XT (Upgrade 2.x)")
Click "Add to cart" - You will be taken to the checkout page where you can finalize the order
As always, if you need assistance or have any question related to your software license or upgrade eligibility, don't hesitate to contact our support team!
Setting up with GrandMA 1
This video tutorial shows how to setup MediaMaster Pro to listen directly to GrandMA's eDMX protocol
Advanced Geometrical Correction
Olivier demonstrates how you can very easily setup advanced Geometric Correction in MediaMaster Pro
Advanced Geometrical Correction
Output monitors configuration
Olivier gives a quick explanation on how to configure your output monitors in ArKaos MediaMaster
Output to LED panels
Quick tutorial on how to use the LED Mapper extension to map the output from ArKaos MediaMaster to a wall of 6 Schnick-Schnack C100 LED Panels
Advanced Soft Edge
Olivier explains the advanced soft edge function available in MediaMaster Pro and how to quickly set it up for two screens
The Enttec USB DMX PRO is supported on Windows and Mac platforms.
For Windows you don't have to do anything special.
For Mac OSX 10.11 or above you need a special extension D2xxHelper. You can download that helper here:
After installation you need to reboot your machine. It should now appear in Preferences -> DMX -> DMX Interface.
Know that the Enttec USB DMX PRO Mk2 is not supported by MediaMaster.
LED Mapper workflow example
A workflow that is used by some light designer is to create a mapping background in photoshop.
By example if you need to map a few bar you create a visual such as this one

The size should be as small as possible depending your fixtures, here it's in 64 by 64.
You must also use that in the LED Mapper:

You can then import your visual

You will see that in the canvas

You can then place your bars in the canvas

You can now rework the background picture you loaded in the LED Mapper with photoshop and changed the color as you want.
Once you created a few pictures you can load them in the MediaMaster library and map them in the theater mode by example

We have color rotation effects that should give nice results when mapped over LEDs.
Preferences overview
Olivier gives a quick overview of the preferences window in ArKaos MediaMaster Pro
Basic Soft Edge
Olivier explains the basic soft edge function in MediaMaster Pro / Express and how to quickly set it up for two screens
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